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Because of them- we exist!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Congrats to J.r. & Anna Mullett on the arrival of
Rachel Ann on January 24.
8 lbs. and 7 oz. and
20 1/2" long.
Welcomed by siblings, Stephen,
Deborah, James & Esther.

Uncle David & His Body Guards

Monday, January 5, 2009


You can see what our family is up to at the following websites: Family - John's Business - John's Blog Hope to hear from everyone! Blessings, John
(You can also see their web addresses under 'view my complete profile')

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Hello Family... we didn't get Christmas cards out this year :-) but have had a very busy year. We told everyone around Christmas time last year that we were going to Bolivia and yes, we are still going. We can see in retrospect why God kept us here for the last year when we were ready to go last spring. We had so much to do and learn in the past year and it sure has been an interesting experience. We bought our container, which sits in our yard about 2/3 full after we found out we could only take the 20' container due to the road conditions going into Rurrenabaque. We are really anxious to get going now but really need to sell these houses and so far haven't had any success there. From the very beginning we told God we would go as soon as the houses sold and that He would have to control that so that we'd know exactly when to leave. Guess he isn't quite ready yet...tho' we have had more interest again lately than we had for a while there. Think the inaugeration is going to have to happen before much selling will take place anywhere.

We have had an exciting year in other ways and are now great-grandparents...I said that I thought we were always great grandparents and then Travis and McKenzie made us great great-grandparents too. :-) haha Jeff and Mary are adopting little Abbigail, Shannon and Tony had little Zachary Issac, Angela and Jeramie had little Malachai Omar so that pretty much takes care of the big happenings. But then there is the fact that I have had pnuemonia 3 times since David's funeral, not leaving me to much time when I felt real good since July. This last bout was the worst and laid me out for 4 weeks. I am sure that you all know it's not in my make-up to hold still to long...but during this last bout I really didn't mind and am having some real trouble getting back on my feet again.

We have been blessed with many of the things we need to take into Bolivia with us but are still looking for a big generator and a tablesaw and a tiller. If any of you have any of these that aren't gettting much use... we'd be quite happy to have them :-) tho' we really need to make sure that any motors we take in are Honda as the parts for those are available down there and not much else. The guys came in two different weeks and helped us to get a total of 9 windows into the houses and we've done a lot of other little jobs that needed doing. We also have the siding now for the other house and want to get it on soon. We have also torn the downstairs bath out and are going to redo it. Just so much to do all the time.

We have so much to be thankful for and want to be sure to keep our hearts and minds on the lookout for Jesus, for as the Word says, He will come as a thief in the night. But those who are watching and waiting will know when the time is nigh on us. God's blessings to all. Eli and Elinor

Friday, January 2, 2009


I had just dropped my brothers of at youth and Emily and i were gonna run home to get something, well... we didnt get very far.. maybe a mile... when i got over to far on the berm and i overcorrected and shot to the left and than back to the right and hit the bank and not sure what all happened in those couple seconds, but we were on 2 wheels for a bit and we totally rolled the car (Em thinks we rolled like 3 times)...... when i saw we were headed for that hill i was like thinking, oh no were gonna wreck! and than the next thing i knew we were upside down and i can still hear the back windshield shattering.. it seemed like we were never gonna stop! i mean we went several hundred feet!!! and i was totally aware of what was happening, cause i was thinking, im gonna die!! and i just KNEW i was gonna get hurt!!! the car finally landed on all 4 wheels, and once we relaized we were both ok, we got out cause we were barley over a hill and i could just see someone popping over the hill and...hitting us! so we like got out and it wasnt very long at all till someone did come over the hill (it ended up being a neighbor lady) and she called the cops, and we called mom and the boys (all the youth guys ended showing up though...... lol) and it was awahile till the squad finally came and all.... but what is so amazing is, we walked out of that without a scratch!!! God is deff amazing!!! i mean it could of been so bad... thank goodness we were wearing our seatbelts!! sorry im like rambaling here.. oh it all happend at like around 8:30... so yah, my bros car is like now totaled.... but yah... they ended up taking Emily into the ER though cause she was dizzy and sorta confused from like when she hit her head on something.. so we are both totally fine except for some major headaches.... but i am soooo thankful God saw fit to let my sister and I see this new year in!!!!!!


This is meant to keep us all in touch with what is going on in all our lives. The idea was given by Matt at Uncle David's funeral. We all get so busy with our lives that we forget to stay in touch. It's always nice to know when there's a new addition to the family whether it be a baby or in-law. Everyone please email your post and pictures to themullettclan@hotmail.com and we will copy and paste it into the blogspot. Happy Posting Everyone! Love to all, Rosetta & Mandy